Chinley Co-op

Open at last

13-Apr-2022 1 Comment
  •  We are now fully open.  Our usual opening hours are [see link here].
  • We had a lovely opening day on the 9th April starting with Peter Berriman cutting the ribbon. We shared snacks made with our ingredients and had a plant swap outside. Around 70 people shopped with us on our first day.
  • We’ve had great support from our community. People are volunteering to staff the shop. Other volunteers contribute in many other ways such as IT, social media, cleaning and decorating the shop, sewing our bags and aprons, helping to make our stocking decisions, plumbing in our new sink, fixing the window lighting and working on the online shop.
  • We are also well supported by our members and shareholders. We have around 80 shareholders (members) and have raised over £7000 in community shares. We need to raise £10,000 in total to cover our costs for our first year of trading.
  • We’ve had great support from our local councillors too. Derbyshire County Councillor Ruth George donated £500 from her councillor allocation of grant funding to spend on bulk food dispensers. Chinley Buxworth and Brownside Parish Council donated £150 to spend on food storage bins. These grants made it possible for us to offer bulk food much sooner than we could have done without the funding.
  • We still need people to help out with running the shop. Sessions are either 3 or 4 hours at a time of your choice. There will always be 2 volunteers on each shift. You don’t need to have a regular time, we have a shared calendar so you can sign up for convenient times. These times can be altered and swapped around easily. You will be well supported and we think it will be enjoyable, at least that is the intention. Do email us at for more information.


CliffWindsor says:

I became a member today and I am pleased to support this very worthwhile project .

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